"Failure seldom stops you. What stops you is the fear of failure" -Jack Lemmon

Monday, September 27, 2010


Didn't get into the gym this morning to do a WOD.  I came home from work tonight and put in the chest and back DVD from P90X and workout in the basement.  I have decided to start doing the P90X videos again in place of boot camp.  I haven't done any P90X for quite a while and it showed.  My upper body feels like Jello.  I am going to have to change up tomorrow morning's workout so it is only lower body and cardio.  I am pretty excited about doing these videos again after they killed me tonight.


  1. Wow! P90x, you will do great at the 2011 Crossfit games if they pop in a DVD and say 3-2-1-GO! Puh-Lease, I am slightly disappointed...

  2. Have to agree! Your better than that.
