"Failure seldom stops you. What stops you is the fear of failure" -Jack Lemmon

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Beat Up

WOD #1

For Time:
20 Double Unders
50 Sit Ups
20 D.U.
40 Sit Ups
20 D.U.
30 Sit Ups
20 D.U.
20 Sit Ups
10 D.U.
10 Sit Ups

Time: 8:05

WOD #2

'Fight Gone Bad'

3 Rounds, running clock, 1 minute on each exercise with a 1 minute break in between rounds, 1 point for each rep.

Wall Balls (20 lbs.)
SDHP (75 lbs.)
Box Jumps (21 in.)
Push Press (75 lbs.)
Row (for calories)

Round 1: WB - 30, SDHP - 28, BJ - 25, PP - 20, Row -16
Round 2: WB - 27, SDHP - 20, BJ - 24, PP - 20, Row -20
Round 3: WB - 25, SDHP - 15, BJ - 20, PP - 20, Row -18

Total Points: 328

I have never incorporated double unders with the jump rope into a workout until this morning.  I modified the workout "Annie" to do only 20 double unders per round instead of the same number of double unders as sit ups per round.  Next time I will do the full workout. 

I finally did the "Fight Gone Bad" workout this afternoon.  Having never done this workout, I didn't go as hard as I could during the first two rounds as I was trying to save some for the third round not knowing how I would feel.  My goal going into this workout was to just get a score of 300 but after doing it I should have been around 350 and definitely will be next time.  This workout left me gasping for air after I came off of the rowing machine after the last round.  It was pretty much 17 minutes of hell.

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