"Failure seldom stops you. What stops you is the fear of failure" -Jack Lemmon

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Like A Kite


800 meter repeats with 2 minute break in between

Round 1 - 2:59.34
Round 2 - 3:24.21
Round 3 - 3:27.66
Round 4 - 3:25.06

I went out to the track at Rose-Hulman tonight after work to do this workout.  It was very windy outside.  I wouldn't consider myself anywhere even remotely close to a runner's build, so when I ran into the wind tonight I felt as if I was running with a parachute on.  When I looked for the parachute, I looked down to notice it is just my large upper body catching the wind like a kite.  Time to lose some weight.  I was happy with my times, as my goal was to beat 3:30 every time.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Beat Up

WOD #1

For Time:
20 Double Unders
50 Sit Ups
20 D.U.
40 Sit Ups
20 D.U.
30 Sit Ups
20 D.U.
20 Sit Ups
10 D.U.
10 Sit Ups

Time: 8:05

WOD #2

'Fight Gone Bad'

3 Rounds, running clock, 1 minute on each exercise with a 1 minute break in between rounds, 1 point for each rep.

Wall Balls (20 lbs.)
SDHP (75 lbs.)
Box Jumps (21 in.)
Push Press (75 lbs.)
Row (for calories)

Round 1: WB - 30, SDHP - 28, BJ - 25, PP - 20, Row -16
Round 2: WB - 27, SDHP - 20, BJ - 24, PP - 20, Row -20
Round 3: WB - 25, SDHP - 15, BJ - 20, PP - 20, Row -18

Total Points: 328

I have never incorporated double unders with the jump rope into a workout until this morning.  I modified the workout "Annie" to do only 20 double unders per round instead of the same number of double unders as sit ups per round.  Next time I will do the full workout. 

I finally did the "Fight Gone Bad" workout this afternoon.  Having never done this workout, I didn't go as hard as I could during the first two rounds as I was trying to save some for the third round not knowing how I would feel.  My goal going into this workout was to just get a score of 300 but after doing it I should have been around 350 and definitely will be next time.  This workout left me gasping for air after I came off of the rowing machine after the last round.  It was pretty much 17 minutes of hell.

Monday, September 27, 2010


Didn't get into the gym this morning to do a WOD.  I came home from work tonight and put in the chest and back DVD from P90X and workout in the basement.  I have decided to start doing the P90X videos again in place of boot camp.  I haven't done any P90X for quite a while and it showed.  My upper body feels like Jello.  I am going to have to change up tomorrow morning's workout so it is only lower body and cardio.  I am pretty excited about doing these videos again after they killed me tonight.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

NFL Game Day


1 x 15, 95 lbs.
1 x 12, 185 lbs.
1 x 6, 235 lbs.
2 x 6, 255 lbs.

Push Press:
1 x 12, 115 lbs.
1 x 12, 135 lbs.
1 x 8, 145 lbs.
1 x 6, 150, lbs.

Power Clean
1 x 10, 115 lbs.
1 x 8, 135 lbs.
1 x 6, 145 lbs.

Coming off of two different wedding receptions yesterday, the strength workout this morning went about as expected.  I have got a lot of work to do to try and get stronger in all of the Olympic movements, as my strength in these moves is very sub-par.  I would have liked to just do about 4 sets of the deadlift warm up at 95 pounds and called that my whole workout.  After the Power Cleans were over I decided to do some pull ups and push ups.  Four sets of 25 push ups with as small of a break in between as possible wore me out.  By the last set I only got to number twelve before having to take a break.  My goal was to not go down at all at anytime and I was able to do that.  The pull ups were a different story.  All I could do were four sets of five strict pull ups. 

Have to workout tomorrow morning doing the 'Fight Gone Bad' workout.  I have never done it, but I have heard it is just about the worst workout you can possibly do.  I am not exactly looking forward to that.

A Whole Lot of Work

It has been a while since I had time to sit down and put a new post up.  I haven't had much time the last three days to get much working out in. 


I just had time to get in the gym after work and run 2.5 miles.  I tried to keep a pace right at 8 minutes and then ran the last whole mile at a 7:43 pace.  I have to get in the habit of working out after work, as it seems like I don't have any energy since I am used to working out first thing in the morning.  After the run I work on some pull ups.


The last morning of Boot Camp.  I never thought I would say this, but I am kind of sad that it is over now.  Spent a little too much time this morning have to carry people on my back or in a squat position.  I had every intention of trying to get a second workout in Friday afternoon, however, I got caught up at work and didn't have time. 


Rest day.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Boot Camp

Boot camp this morning.  I must have forgot my 'running' legs at home because they did not feel like moving at all this morning.  Every time we went to run, whether it was a short sprint or a 400 meter lap, it was real work to get my feet to leave the ground.  Other than not being able to run as fast as I should it was a typical day at boot camp.  Burpees, push ups, mountain climbers, air squats, and a lot of abs.

At least there are no more workouts on the schedule today.  Golf and tennis tonight after work.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010



20 reps x 95 lbs.
2 x 185
1 x 235
1 x 255
1 x 305
10 x 185
10 x 95

Power Snatch:

5 reps x 65 lbs.
6 x 85
7 x 95

I wanted to try and get some strength training in this morning with Tony.  I warmed up on the deadlift quickly with 95 lbs. and continued to work up to 305 lbs, which I got up fairly easily.  I decided to go back down in weight at that point to work on touching up my form.  After I completed the deadlifts, Tony showed me how to power snatch.  I didn't use much weight but did start to feel comfortable with the form I was shooting for, maybe not doing, during the last set. 

I am going to try to get on the rowing machine sometime after work to do the 500 meter interval workout from yesterday.


5 rounds of 500 meter row with 2 minute break in between

Round 1 - 1:27.5
Round 2 - 1:39.6

6 minute break

Round 3 - 1:51.2
Round 4 - 1:44.0
Round 5 - 1:46.3

I made the mistake of going home after work and not directly to the gym.  I had to fight with myself to get into the gym and get this WOD done.  After I did it, I realized I should have just stayed on the couch.  I learned tonight there are definite pluses and minuses to each workout.  The first round was a personal best for me.  The 1:27.5 was 2 1/2 seconds faster than I have ever rowed 500 meter before.  That is where the pluses stopped and the minuses began to rack up.  After the second round I thought I was having a heart attack, my feet started cramping and if it weren't for Lucas looking at me like I was going crazy, I would have packed my stuff up, left, and acted like I never even showed up at the gym in the first place.  Once I paced around the room and was back on the rower I felt okay averaging in the upper 1:40's.  I know Tony would have been yelling "Don't feel sorry for yourself," but I definitely was.  Next time I do this workout I will see what kind of average I can set without killing myself in the first round.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Extra Weight


For Time:

Four Rounds
(All while wearing a 20 lbs. weight vest)

400 meter run
10 burpees
20 air squats

Time: 13:52 (Round 1 - 3:02, Round 2 - 3:25, Round 3 - 3:47, Round 4 - 3:38)

Still not feeling quite 100% from Saturday, I wanted to do a WOD that would loosen up my legs a little.  The weight vest was very noticeable about half way around the track on each lap.  The last two runs were rough as it got to the point on the last one where I was just trying not to walk.  The burpees and air squats seemed to go by quickly and felt pretty good.  I should be able to hit it hard tomorrow with some heavy lifting over the next couple of days.

After seeing the video of this workout tonight (and the workouts this past weekend), I can definitely see why I am always getting yelled at to get lower on my squats.  Wow, I almost hit my chin on the ground from leaning over so much tonight while my butt lowered about 4-6 inches at the most.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Recovery Day

After having a hard time getting out of bed this morning, Terri and I decided to go to Hawthorn Park and walk the trails for about an hour this afternoon to try and loosen up our backs.  Yesterday definitely took its toll on our bodies.  To cap off our walk we each did one burpee in the park.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Union Games

WOD #1

For Time:
400 meter run
20 front squats (55lbs./95 lbs.)
20 burpees
800 meter run
40 power cleans (55 lbs./95lbs.)
40 air squats

Time:  Terri - 14:32, Daniel - 12:07

WOD #2

12 Minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds as Possible):
6 Thrusters (55 lbs./95 lbs.)
12 KB Swings (35 lbs./55 lbs.)
24 Lateral Jumps, over 12 inch hurdle

Rounds: Terri - 5 rounds, Daniel - 5 rounds + 12 reps

WOD #3

For Time:
150 Burpees

Time: Terri - 15:54, Daniel - 14:20

Finally, the Union Games were today.  Three workouts that left me absolutely gassed.  I felt really good on the first workout, beating my goal by almost 30 seconds.  The second workout was so much harder than I expected and completely ran me out of energy.  The thrusters just crushed me, both physically and mentally, as I didn't come close to my goal on the second workout.  I wanted a minimum of 6 full rounds and only ended up with 5 rounds plus 12 reps and a few battle wounds.  The third workout of 150 burpees was difficult, as I had already run out of energy with the second workout.  The first 50 burpees felt alright, at best, but then my shoulders just felt like they were on fire.  I was tied for first going into the third workout and after the mediocre performance on the burpess, I placed third out of 12 and missed the last workout by two points.  Terri had a really good day and finished fifth out of 11 women.  Thanks to the trainers and staff at Union for a great day.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Active Rest Day

1 mile walk
1 mile jog

Active Rest Day.  Not a term that I have ever used.  Should say, "Really good workout." 

Another day off tomorrow.  Not an 'Active Rest Day' but a complete rest day.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Hump Day


Boot Camp

Boot Camp was rough this morning.  The warm 400m lap took me approximately 4 minutes to complete as I had a little tightness in the legs.  Once I got through that it was back to sprints, lunges, burpees, push-ups, getting puked on, pretty much the normal at boot camp.  The 400m sprints didn't feel good at all as only one of my times was below the 1:45 mark.  This Saturday I am shooting for all of my laps to be under 1:50.   Terri did the entire second workout of the Union Games this morning during boot camp and in 12 minutes she completed 4 rounds and 18 reps.  She was definitley worn out after those 12 minutes. 

I am not feeling very confident that there will be a second workout today at the gym.  Wednesday is golf league from 5:00 to 7:30 and tennis league starts tonight from 8:00 to 9:30.  I might try to sneak back to the gym for a little while this afternoon.

I am really looking forward to two active rest days coming tomorrow and Friday.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


WOD #1

Front Squats:
2 x 10, using 55 lbs.

Strict Press: 
1 x 10, 95lbs.
1 x 10, 115 lbs.
1 x 10, 135 lbs.

1 x 10, 95 lbs.
1 x 10, 135 lbs.
2 x 10, 185 lbs.
1 x 10, 205 lbs.
1 x 6, 235 lbs.
1 x 10, 185 lbs.

I was sore this morning from the past two days.  I had to walk on the treadmill this morning for a little while to stretch out my legs before I started lifting.  I am trying to get used to the front squats so I was just using a bar that already had weight on it in the gym.  The deadlifts felt better than expected.  I was surprised that I didn't feel sore at all once I got going. 

WOD #2

3 Rounds of:
6 Thrusters, 95 lbs.
12 KB Swings, 55lbs.
24 Lateral Hurdle Jumps, 24 in. hurdle

Time 4:54

Power Clean: 2 x 10, 95 lbs.

Thrusters: 3 x 10, 95 lbs.

Front Squat: 1 x 20, 95 lbs.

I went back into the gym tonight to work on the second workout of the Union Games that was just released today.  My time for three rounds was pretty high as there were a lot of breaks included.  We get 12 minutes on Saturday and I am hoping to get a minimum of 6 full rounds in.

I spent the rest of the night just trying to get used to holding the bar on the thrusters and front squats.  My front squats felt really good as I got 20 unbroken, as opposed to about 4 or 5 yesterday with Tony.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Another Monday

WOD #1

Boot Camp

I was (and still am) pretty sore this morning before boot camp.  My lower back and hamstrings were really tight from yesterday.  Now my shoulders are tired from boot camp where we spent the majority of the time with a 25 lbs. weight overhead or at our side.  A lot of trash talking this morning about the upcoming Union Games.

To top my morning off I decided to weigh myself.  That didn't go over as well as I thought it might, as I have gained four pounds from my last weigh in (not sure when that was).  I can't figure out if it was the pizza and beer at Twiggy's Friday night, the dinner at Outback and then Bluesfest after, or if it was the Red Lobster and birthday cake yesterday.

WOD #2

12 minute interval sprint workout on treadmill

After the treadmill I went outside with Tony and did some front squats and power cleans.  After Tony saw my performance on the front squat, I think that he is ready to pay up his bet for the Union Games as he was not impressed. I had never done front squats and was surprised at how difficult it was to get used to them.  I had trouble getting my balance holding the bar in front of me.  If I can't get used to the front squat by Saturday, it's going to be long, long morning.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Games Training

WOD (1st Exercise of the Union Games)

For Time:

400m Run
20 Burpees
20 Front Squats, 95 lbs.
800m Run
40 Power Cleans, 95 lbs.
40 Air Squats

Daniel's Time: 12:54.70
Terri's Time: 12:51.83

Wall Balls:  5 x 20, using 20 lbs. medicine ball

KB Swings: 5 x 10, using 55 lbs.

This is the first workout for next Saturday's Union Games.  This was much harder than I had anticipated.  I was really gasping for air on the first set of squats and was disappointed in how long it took me to do the power cleans.  I will not be able to keep the same time running when I run outdoors, as this was done on a treadmill that kept me moving esp. on the 800m portion of the running.  I will definitely have to do this again before next Saturday morning.  After the workout for time I completed 5 sets each of wall balls and kettle bell swings.

Since this is my first day recording workouts on here I am going to catch up with last week's workouts:

Watched the Terre Haute mini marathon.  Made me feel like I did a workout.

Got up for boot camp at 4:45, turned the alarm off, turned the light off, went back to sleep and took the rest of the day off.  I at least thought about it.

Nothing.  Tony is too tired on Thursday mornings to workout so I just took all day off.

Boot Camp

Ran 2.25 miles

Bench Press
1 x 12, with 135 lbs.
1 x 10, with 185 lbs.
1 x 6, with 225 lbs.

In between sets, did max. number of push-ups

Decline Press
3 x 6, with 225 lbs.

Rode west into Illinois with David and Bruce.  Pretty good ride considering I haven't been on my bike for about three weeks.  Total ride was about 45 miles.



Boot Camp

10,000 meters on the rowing machine

Time: 38:17.3
Last time I rowed about a 41 minute 10,000, so I was pleased with the new time

Boot Camp